The Cieto (International Student Congress of Occupational Therapy ) was born in 2010 , when a group of students in grades 3 Occupational Therapy decided
it was time to do something new with our race , to promote it , spread it and learn from it in all its possible facets . It got itself Elsa Punset out our sponsor
and we got to ‘ El Hormiguero ‘ to make us listen .



What he wants is to get the Cieto Occupational Therapy both society and health professionals who know our profession, and those who work and can
complement the treatment of patients more effectively and all Occupational Therapists Sites that can enrich us with his way of working , because in Spain
there is still much to do in our work. We have national speakers , great experience and recognition , and international , from Europe and Latin America
, which will give us a broader and more beneficial than is Occupational Therapy in their homelands vision , helping us to innovate and motivate us to
achieve new targets . This allows for mutual interaction and feedback, which enables students can do internships , or even practice the profession in other
countries to have initiated this contact.



This year 2018 , Congress will be on 9, 10 and 11 May , and like all the previous ones, will be held at the Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Alicante.
You are all invited.