Evaluadores/as externos/as

The collaboration of external reviewers in the evaluation of the papers received is essential to guarantee the scientific quality of this congress. To register as an external reviewer, please complete the following form by 24 December 2022. The most suitable reviewers will be selected from among those who have registered, according to the topics of the papers that have been submitted.

What does being an external evaluator entail?
  • Participation as a reviewer implies a commitment to carry out the evaluations in an impartial, rigorous and timely manner.
  • Once the papers have been assigned to reviewers, they will have a maximum of 2 weeks for their evaluation.
  • The external review will be conducted under conditions of double-blind anonymity and will be evaluated independently by at least two persons, with a third person (member of the scientific committee) intervening in case of discrepancy.
  • In the event of receiving any communication in which there is any conflict of interest that may influence the evaluation, the Scientific Committee shall be informed immediately.
  • The evaluation will be carried out on-line by means of a form that reviewers will be able to access by means of an access link that they will receive by e-mail.
  • The work of the external reviewers will be acknowledged with a personal certificate of collaboration, in addition to the publication of their names in the book that will be published later with all the papers of the congress.
Who can participate as an external evaluator?
Any professional who meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • Have more than 5 years of professional experience as an occupational therapist.
  • Be a doctor.
  • Have at least one publication in JCR-indexed journals.
  • Have a project with funding.
What are the evaluation criteria you will have to deal with?
The evaluation criteria will vary depending on the type of paper to be evaluated, the criteria will be sent to the reviewer when he/she receives the invitation with the papers to be evaluated.
How to register as evaluator?

You can register as an external evaluator by filling in the following form